Precision Opinion is featured in the May/June issue of Quirks Magazine as one of the Top Qualitative Research Firms. We will be 100% transparent with you: we paid for the spot in the magazine. However, when I look at the other firms listed in Quirks, not a single one of them is even remotely close to our Telephone Data Collection capabilities and facilities. We simply aren’t aware of any Market Research firm that has the CATI telephone data collection bandwidth of Precision Opinion in the US domestic market. When other firms can’t fit your work into their small call center, or can’t do it with the quality, productivity, or budget that you need, then we have a simple suggestion:
Reach out to Precision today and speak with our COO Matthew McCoy about your telephone data collection needs. Not only can Matt can help develop and design a pilot test program to test and develop your research ideas for your clients, but he’ll offer you a discounted rate for giving Precision a shot. Have you considered switching suppliers for a client project but are concerned about the risks of an unknown partner? Organizing, testing, generating proxy data sets for review, and ensuring that a project is fully ready for implementation prior to the start of fielding is our specialty. Long term tracking projects? Our largest ongoing project has been in-field for over 15 straight years. We’ve got your back all the way.
Sure it’s a hard sell on our part, but we are confident in our process and capabilities. Are you confident in your CATI provider?
Precision Opinion | Get Confident